Welcome To Best Stammering Therapist In East Delhi

What is stammering?

you repeat sounds or syllables – for example, such as saying "mu-mu-mu-mummy"

you make sounds longer – for example, "mmmmmmummy"

a word gets stuck or doesn't come out at all

Stammering varies in severity from person to person, and from situation to situation. Someone might have periods of stammering followed by times when they speak relatively fluently.

Anyone can stutter at any age. But it's most common among children who are learning to form words into sentences. And boys are more likely than girls to stutter. Normal language dysfluency often starts between the ages of 18 and 24 months and tends to come and go up to the age of 5.

Types of stammering

There are two main types of stammering. They're known as:

Best Stammering Therapist In East Delhi
Best Stammering Therapist In Delhi

Developmental Stammering – the most common type of stammering; it occurs in early childhood when speech and language skills are developing rapidly

Acquired or late-onset Stammering – is relatively rare and occurs in older children and adults as a result of a head injury, stroke or a progressive neurological condition; it can also be caused by certain drugs or medication, or psychological or emotional trauma

What causes stammering?

It isn't possible to say for sure why a particular child starts stammering, but it isn't caused by anything the parents have done.

Developmental and inherited factors may play a part, along with small differences in how efficiently the speech areas of the brain are working.

Speech development

Speech development is a complex process that involves communication between different areas of the brain, and between the brain and the muscles responsible for breathing and speaking.

When every part of this system works well, the right words are spoken in the right order, with correct rhythm, pauses and emphasis.

A child learning to construct simple sentences needs practise to develop the different speech areas in the brain and lay down the neural pathways ("wiring") needed for the different parts to work well together.

Talking problems can occur if some parts of this developing system aren't quite co-ordinated. This can cause repetitions and stoppages, particularly when the child has lots to say, is excited, or feeling under pressure.

As the brain continues to develop, some of these problems resolve or the brain is able to compensate, which is why many children "grow out" of stammering.

Sex differences and genes

Stammering is more common in boys than girls. Differences in brain development between the sexes might make boys more vulnerable to speech and language difficulties.

Genes are also thought to play a role. Around two in every three people who stammer have a family history of stammering, which suggests the genes a child inherits from their parents might make them more likely to develop a stammer.

Reduce Stammering in Children

Stammering, also known as stuttering, refers to a condition brought about by physiological factors in children. The reasons children stammer include neuromuscular complications, incapability to control speech organs muscles, difficultly in moving the lips and the tongue, and obstruction within the speech organs. If stammering takes place at an advanced age, psychological factors such as, a tense family atmosphere, arousal, anxiety, scorn and loss of confidence are the likely causes.

One of the effective ways of reducing stammering in children is the use of exercises. The exercises work by providing strength to speech organs like the lungs, tongue, trachea, lips and the jaw. These exercises either cure stammering completely or lower the intensity considerably. They are better off carried out at night before retiring to bed in a secluded part of the house. Here are a number of top exercise regimens that will reduce stammering in children.

Stammering which starts in adulthood

Most stammering starts in early childhood, when a child is developing its speaking skills, and is therefore referred to as developmental stammering. It is much less common for stammering to start in adult life, when it is known as acquired stammering or late onset stammering.

This leaflet gives some of the reasons why stammering may start in adult life and recommends some steps that can be taken to deal with it. Because this type of stammering is less common, it can be difficult to find information about it.

If you start stammering in adulthood, you should take it seriously and always consult Best Stammering Therapist In East Delhi.

Why does stammering happen?

Cases where stammering starts in adult life can be grouped into the following five categories.

  • 1 Neurogenic stammering
  • 2 Drug-related stammering
  • 3 Stress-related stammering
  • 4 Re-occurrence of a childhood stammer
  • 5 Individual causes of stammering

When to get help?

You should get advice from Best Stammering Therapist In East Delhi if you have any concerns about your child's speech or language development.

Treatment for stammering is often successful in pre-school age children, so it's important to get referred to a Stammering specialist as soon as possible.

Contact Best Stammering Therapist In East Delhi to discuss your concerns with them. If necessary, they may refer your child to a speech and language therapist (SLT) for an assessment.